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Who Are You?

The Authentic Self is the true you and the you that you were meant to be and express. We are all individual integral aspects of the divine God. We have been created as we are to be the best expression of the Divine through this individualisation or Soul. Yes, we have a purpose - to be the best expression of the Divine through this individual Self. You are important, you have purpose, you are an integral part of a universal plan with a specific part to play.


The only purpose we have in life is to express that grace through our Authentic Self that is that aspect of the Divine or Universal that is trying to express itself through us. When all of us, as the collective or enough of us, embrace and express the Authentic Self, then we as a collective whole, raise our level of grace and awareness and the greatest expression of God materializes on Earth. This is how we achieve Nirvana - Heaven on Earth.

From My Latest Book "Conscious Awareness - the Essence of Our Being" Book launch tomorrow evening 7-9pm The Galmont Hotel Galway

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